Les phases anciennes du Paléolithique moyen dans le Sud-Est et le Sud-Ouest de la France : étude des systèmes techniques lithiques / Cyrielle Mathias Actualités Sociétés savantes, patrimoines et inventaires

Funded two-year Postdoc position on early stone tools (Cognitive archaeology)

Emplois, bourses, prix

Envisioned starting date is end of 2018 – or early 2019 the latest.
University of Tübingen - Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology




The Postdoc project will involve identifying, 3D scanning and analysing lithic artefacts (outcomes of knapping experiments) and comparing them to the existing archaeological record, alongside other research projects. The candidate should therefore have experience and expertise in lithic analysis, with emphasis on methods of stone artefact measurements, the varieties of reduction sequences in the Oldowan and Acheulean, and core management strategies as related to those two industries.


There will be opportunities for the successful candidate to develop and carry-out their own research projects in collaboration with the PI (Tennie). These projects should be in the field(s) of comparative cognition / cognitive archaeology.


Depending on skill set and need, the offered Postdoc position might also involve supervising and working alongside PhD projects experimentally testing all genera of great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, orang-utans, gorillas as well as modern humans) to examine the cognitive mechanisms behind stone tools across the different genera.


A small amount of administrative activities is also expected of the candidate (e.g. organising of a reading group).


For further background information, see: www.claudiotennie.de (and links contained therein)


Deadline for applications is 8th October 2018


> Tous les emplois

