Les Conférences proposées par la Société des Amis du Musée d’Archéologie Nationale et du Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye Actualités Les séminaires du LAMPEA - Master Archéologie Sciences pour l’Archéologie - M2 Parcours Bioarchéologie

2023 World Neolithic Congress

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à propositions de séance / Call for session proposals


18-22 septembre 2023
Şanlıurfa (Turquie)




Bringing Together Different Neolithic Formations, Evolutions, Dispersals, Consequences, Interactions


The congress aims to bring together different Neolithic formations that took place in different parts of the globe at different times following distinct cultural and socio – economic trajectories.

The World Neolithic Congress is providing a platform to compare different trajectories and increasing social complexity that took place in different parts of the world.


The deadline for session proposals is 22 November 2022.
Session proposals will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee.


Plus d'infos

Via Neolithic Miscellany


