La reconstitution du bâti préhistorique A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire École thématique : Technologie de la pierre taillée préhistorique

Bridging the gap between theory, methods, ethics and the validation of knowledge: an interdisciplinary dialogue on coastal hunter-gatherer societies

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


27 juin 2022 - 1er juillet 2022
Dublin - University College




13th International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 13) "Living Well Together"

Session title: Bridging the gap between theory, methods, ethics, and the validation of knowledge: an interdisciplinary dialogue on coastal hunter-gatherer societies


Technical and methodological developments in archaeological science and other cognate disciplines, such as geo- and bioarchaeology, have brought new high-resolution datasets that may lead to fundamental changes in archaeological thinking and discourses on coastal hunter-gatherer societies. The pace of innovation also raises cross-disciplinary questions about the meaningful integration of theory, methods, and the validation of knowledge. Many archaeological narratives about coastal hunter-gatherer societies tend to stick by default to implicit economic, ecological, or evolutionary frameworks. Such embedded “default settings” project contemporary secularist, utilitarian, and capitalistic understandings of human behaviour onto the past, with ethical, ontological, and epistemological dimensions often left unaddressed. Do these “default settings” blind us to what it means to be a member of a maritime society and how people cosmologically, ritually, and symbolically relate to the sea?


Plus d'infos > Theory, methods, ethics and the validation of knowledge


Chairs: Rory Connolly (UCD Archaeology); Ian McNiven (Monash University); Martin Moucheron (UCD Archaeology); Marylise Onfray (CNRS - Université Paris 1)



Deadline for submitting abstracts is February 4, 2022 /  La date limite d'envoi des résumés est le 4 février 2022




