The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, Organisation and Consumption of Early Metal in the Balkans / Miljana Radivojević, Benjamin W. Roberts, Miroslav Marić, Julka Kuzmanović-Cvetković & Thilo Rehren (2021) Nouvelles parutions hors SPF Use of Space and Domestic Areas: Functional Organisation and Social Strategies / Luc Jallot & Alessandro Peinetti (2021)

Neolithic Pottery from the Near East: Production, Distribution and Use / Rana Özbal, Mücella Erdalkiran & Yukiko Tonoike (2022)


Ozbal_et_al_2022 [Néolithique]
Rana Özbal, Mücella Erdalkiran & Yukiko Tonoike (2022) - Neolithic Pottery from the Near East: Production, Distribution and Use, Istanbul, Koç University Press , 320 p. EAN 9786057685698, 70,00 €.

Discussions on the production, distribution, use, and consumption of pottery from the Neolithic Near East. Ceramics from the Neolithic period carry visual messages through their shapes, styles, and painted decorations. Honoring the work of Dutch archaeologist Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, the chapters in this volume go beyond the technical to address issues of ideology, symbolism, feasting, and communalism in pottery productions in the Near East. Essays exploring aspects of the chaîne opératoire of ceramic production, including archaeometric and experimental techniques in the neolithic pottery tradition, provide new insights into how the vessels were distributed and used. This international volume brings together papers presented at the Third International Workshop on Late Neolithic Pottery from the Ancient Near East. .

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