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[Diachronique] Valeriu Sîrbu, Alexandra Comşa & Dumitru Hortopan (2019) - Digging in the Past of Old Europe: Studies in Honor of Cristian Schuster at his 60th Anniversary, Brăila, Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei Carol I, 448 p. EAN 9786066543422, - Early Iron Age Settlement at Gelmar (Geoagiu Hunedoara County Romania) / Gabriel Bălan. - Discoidal Beads: Novel Elements of the Starčevo Early Neolithic Package / Adina Boroneant, Monica Mărgărit & Clive Bonsall. - The Pilgrimage Model for Trypillia Mega-Sites: the Case of Nebelivka Ukraine / John C. Chapman & Bisserka Gaydarska. - Cristian und Feldioara. Zwei Sichelhorte aus dem Burzenland (Rumänien) / Oliver Dietrich. - New Set of Double Shank Pins from Čačak / Katarina Dmitrović. - Curved Stone Knives of the Krummesser Type Recently Discovered in Northern Muntenia / Alin Frînculeasa, Daniel Garvăn & Bianca preda-Bălănică. - Animal Breeding and Hunting in Celtic Sites from Transylvania and Banat / Georgeta El Susi. - New Tei Culture Materials from Central North Bulgaria / Martin Hristov. - „De la greci la greci” pe Drumul Mătăsii (Arta tăierii pietrei la nomazii turci) / Lyubov Geraskova & Ion Pâslaru. - Some LBA Pyraunoi and Vessels with Internal Lugs from the Eastern Bulgaria / Krasimir Leshtakov. - Notes on Columbella Shells from the Bronze Age Necropolis Mokrin Northern Serbia / Marija Ljuština, Marija Krečković & Teodara Radišič. - VA Wolves in Dreams…(To Euripides Hecuba 68-97) / Vanya Lozanova-Stantche. - Osseous Industry in the Bronze Age Settlement of Odaia Turcului (Dâmboviţa County Romania) / Monica Mărgărit & Radu Băjenaru. - A propos de l’archéologie au coeur d'Afrique / Laurențiu Mecu. - The Sound of Rock Art: Canary Lithophones / Marco Merlini. - Transportation in Bronze Age Europe / Bianka Nessel & Claes Uhnér. - Pit Grave Culture in the Danube Basin: Immigrants or Invaders? (Cultural Evolution and Language Diversity) / Lolita Nikolova. - Almost Fully European: the Gravettian Shouldered Points Layer from Bistricioara-Lutărie III (Ceahlău Basin NE Romania) / Loredana Niţă, Mircea Anghelinu & Cristina Cordoş. - The Definite Article as a Reference Point in Defining the Balkan Sprachbund / Sorin Paliga. - A Hoard of Curved Stone Knives from Costişa (Romania) / Anca-Diana Popescu & Radu băjenaru. - The Thracian Chersonesos in the Odrysian Basileia of Kotys I (383/382 – 360/359 BC) / Kalin Porozhanov. - Unfortuitous Accidents – Prehistoric Metal Artefacts Recently Detected in Northern Muntenia (Prahova County Romania) / Bianca Preda-Bălănică, Alin Frînculeasa, Daniel Garvăn, Bogdan Constantinescu & Daniela Stan. - L'Âge du Bronze en Olténie. Étude de cas: une Collection d'objets en Terre Cuite du Musée Romanați de Caracal Roumanie / Iulia Răbîncă, Sabin Popovici & Florin Grofu. - Scytho-Celtica. A Vekerzug-Style Stamped Decoration on a La Tène Ceramic Vessel from Malé Kosihy / Aurel Rustoiu. - Scythian Cauldrons and the Meaning of their Presence / Valeriu Sîrbu. - Two Funerary Complexes of the Dudeşti Culture Discovered at Căscioarele-Fântâna lui Brebu Călăraşi County Romania / Done Şerbănescu & Alexandra Comşa. - Scurtă notă asupra unor complexe de tip Basarabi de la Şoimuş-La Avicola (Ferma 2) jud. Hunedoara (România) / Cristian Eduard Ştefan. - Some Contributions Regarding the Cultural Evolution in the Mountainous and Hilly Area of Oltenia (Romania) During the Final Eneolithic-Incipient Early Bronze Age Period / Ion Tuţulescu & Carol-Cristian Terteci. - Pendants of Nephrite in the Collection from the Bucharest Municipality Museum (Romania) / Camelia-Mirela Vintilă & Paul-Emil Mereuță. - Note philosophique et sociologique sur la mort néolithique et énéolithique balkanique liée au shamanisme / Michel Louis Séfériadés. |