Materiali protostorici dalla grotta Vittorio Vecchi (Sezze Romano, LT) / Alessandro Guidi & Lucia Rosini Nouvelles parutions hors SPF La construction d’une archéologie européenne (1865-1914) : Colloque en hommage à Joseph Déchelette. / Sandra Péré-Noguès

Early Bronze IV Village Life in the Jordan Valley : Excavations at Tell Abu en-Ni'aj and Dhahret Umm el-Marar, Jordan / Steven E. Falconer, Patricia L. Fall, with contributions by, Ilya Berelov & Steven Porson


Falconer_et_al_2019 [Protohistoire]
Steven E. Falconer, Patricia L. Fall, with contributions by, Ilya Berelov & Steven Porson (2019) - Early Bronze IV Village Life in the Jordan Valley : Excavations at Tell Abu en-Ni'aj and Dhahret Umm el-Marar, Jordan, Oxford, Archaeopress, 232 p. EAN 9781407316925, 51,00 €.

The archaeological excavation of Tell Abu en-Ni‘aj provides the foundation for an unprecedented analysis of agrarian village life during an era of the Levantine Bronze Age characterised previously in terms of urban collapse and a reversion to mobile pastoralism. Interpretation of archaeological and ecological evidence here situates the lifeways of this community amid emerging revised chronologies and reconstructions of village-based society in the third millennium BC. This reconstruction of rural life integrates evidence of regional and local environmental change, agricultural coping strategies, intramural social change, interaction with neighbouring communities and ritual ties with preceding and subsequent periods. This synthesis centred on Tell Abu en-Ni‘aj suggests a strikingly revised portrait of rural society in the course of Near Eastern civilisation. .

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