9èmes Rencontres archéozoologiques Actualités Migrants et migrations dans le Midi, de la préhistoire à nos jours

25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Beyond paradigms

Congrès, colloques, réunions


4-7 septembre 2019



The Annual Meeting themes, as defined by the Scientific Committee, incorporate the diversity of EAA and the multidimensionality of archaeological practice, including archaeological interpretation, heritage management and politics of the past and present.


1. Archaeological theory and methods beyond paradigms
2. Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans, and landscapes
3. Archaeology of mountainous landscapes
4. Digital archaeology, science and multidisciplinarity: new methods, new challenges
5. Archaeological heritage and museum management: future chances, future risks
6. Global change and archaeology


Plus d'infos

Deadline for submitting a contribution is 14 February 2019!


Voir la liste des sessions. En particulier, autour de la préhistoire ...


 - Session 46
Central Mediterranean prehistory at the EAA25 turn: research advances and new directions

- Session 60
Beyond "founder crops": new insights into understudied food plant resources

- Session 90
‘Massive Migrations’? Multiscalar and Multidisciplinary Approaches to Prehistoric Migrations and Mobility in Europe

- Session 97
Motherhood in (pre-)history from a combined bio-archaeological and social perspective

- Session 173
Archaeology of Mountainous Landscapes in Balkan Prehistory

- Session 213
Humans beyond arrowheads. Questioning the interpretative value of arrowheads and other tools for reconstructing people identities in prehistoric societies

- Session 228
Living on the edge? New advances on peripheral space in prehistory

- Session 229
Communities of Southern Italy between the local and the global?


- Session 239
Un-packaging Neolithic societies: from static notions to bottom-up models of social organization

- Session 259
The Creative Reinterpretation of Material Culture in Prehistoric Societies: A Reappraisal

- Session 281
Scientific dating and central-western Mediterranean prehistory: Developments and perspectives

- Session 289
European Origins and Fading Heritage

- Session 317
Celebrating 25 years (EAA25) of collaboration: how archaeology and the Earth Sciences are coming together to solve real-world problems

- Session 360
Is Archaeology Practical?

- Session 366
History and Prehistory of Space: the Archaeological Viewpoint

- Session 371
Trial and error in times of transition

- Session 374
Babies, bathwaters, wheels, and chariots: Assessing the impact of David Anthony’s work on European and Eurasian steppe prehistory

