L'association Icare recherche des animateurs en archéologie et/ou scientifique Actualités Rapports hommes/femmes durant la Protohistoire : l’archéologie du genre dans tous ses états du Néolithique à l’âge du Fer

ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials science : 13 offres de contrats doctoraux européens sont ouvertes

Emplois, bourses, prix



The European Joint Doctorate in ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials Sciences (ED-ARCHMAT) is an EU Training Network to form future Professionals in the Cultural Heritage sector


- Innovative Conservation Techniques for Bio-deteriorated and Soiled Ornamental stone in Urban Areas: Laser versus Plasma Vapour Cleaning.
- Biotechnological approach for the identification of protein-based materials in Cultural Heritage artefacts.
- Scanner XRF for 2D elemental mapping imaging for Cultural Heritage
- Food and balms: combined botanical and chemical studies from funerary contexts.
- The Emergence of Copper Pyrotechnology in Western Asia
- Technology and Provenance of Inscribed and Stamped Documents on Clay
- Innovative techniques for the assessment of the degradation state of metallic artifacts
- Laser Based intervention in Archaeological Materials and Museum Artifacts
- Organic residue analysis in archaeological amphorae
- Advanced Chemical analysis of organic materials from animal mummies in Ancient Egypt
- Laser Based intervention on Historical Glass
- Taphonomy of ornated wall in prehistoric caves ; a Multianalytical approach to study hypogean artworks biodegradation
- Automated Reconstruction of Fragmented Archaeological Finds Bearing an Arbitrary Shape


Candidates can apply for up to three ESR projects.

The initial closing date for the positions will be 15th July 2018, but applications will continue to be considered until suitable candidates have been appointed.


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