Images and imaginary world in the Eurasian Bronze Age Actualités Constructing Kurgans

Cross-channel connections from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age

Congrès, colloques, réunions


4-9 juin 2018




Session XXXII-4 du 18ème congrès UISPP, Paris 2018, proposée par  François Giligny, Clément Nicolas, Cyril Marcigny & Alison Sheridan


The aim of this session is to trace the prehistory of both sides of the Channel, and the links between these areas, between two major technological revolutions: the introduction of agriculture to Britain and Ireland and the appearance of metalworking and its subsequent developments (4300-1150 BC). This original approach draws on two complementary traditions of research – one French, the other British – and on the results of 30 years of discoveries through commercial archaeology and of investigations into material culture and palaeoenvironment. This research calls for the writing of a comparative history of the cultures on either side of the Channel, emphasising the processes of cultural and technical transfer and environmental conditions that influenced their trajectories, and the hybridisation that resulted from regular two-way sea crossings. This history, which relies on the interdisciplinary nature of current archaeology, is also the history of identity: it unites our contemporary nations by demonstrating that they shared a common past.


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