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25 years of Palaeolithic Research at Schöningen (Germany) : a one-day symposium

Congrès, colloques, réunions


mercredi 20 septembre 2017




To celebrate 25 years of Palaeolithic Research at Schöningen, a one-day symposium organized by Thijs van Kolfschoten and team members of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University in cooperation with Jordi Serangeli (Tübingen University), Simon Parfitt (UCL) and Silvia Bello (Natural History Museum) will be held at the Academy Building (Klein Auditorium), in Leiden.


The meeting is scheduled for September 20, the day before the ESHE meeting starts in Leiden. ( .


For more information about the meeting and a preliminary list of contributors see:


Admission is free: please register before September 10, 2017 by sending an email to Carli Peters<>




