Lespugue, 100 ans après : les représentations des corps en Préhistoire A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire 64th Conference of the Hugo Obermaier Society "Going to extremes – hominin lives at ecological margins"

Appel à contributions / Call for papers


Quaternary Special Issue

Special Issue Editor
Prof. Dr. Ran Barkai
barkaran205 at gmail.com




This Special Issue, “Interdisciplinary Research into Cultural and Biological Transformations in the Paleolithic Period”, aims to present the state-of-the-art as well as outside of the box studies regarding changes in human adaptation; human physiology; faunal diversity; climatic fluctuations as well as the possible nexus between these lines of inquiry. We especially seek innovative and provocative thinking related to, but not limited to: the emergence and disappearance of lithic technologies; the emergence and disappearance of human species and physical characteristics; turnovers and extinctions of prey animals; transformations in human diet and trophic levels; changes in burial practices and symbolic expressions, and so on and so forth. No chronological nor geographical boundaries are set, as long as the Lower, Middle, Upper and Epi Paleolithic periods are concerned. Particular case studies as well as more comprehensive overviews are welcomed.


Plus d'infos


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 July 2023


Via Cyrielle Mathias


