Towards the Borders of the Bronze Age and Beyond: Mycenaean Long Distance Travel and its Reflection in Myth / Jörg Mull (2022) Actualités Ausgewählte Säugetierdarstellungen in der Eiszeitkunst und der Versuch ihrer zoologisch-ethologischen Interpretation / Ingmar Michael Braun (2022)

The Archaeology of Iran from the Palaeolithic to the Achaemenid Empire / Roger Matthews, Hassan Fazeli Nashli & Amy Richardson (2022)


Matthews_et_al_2022 [Diachronique / Libre accès]
Roger Matthews, Hassan Fazeli Nashli & Amy Richardson (2022) - The Archaeology of Iran from the Palaeolithic to the Achaemenid Empire , London, Routledge, 652 p. EAN 9781003224129, 0,00 €.


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