Some Thoughts about the Evolution of Human Behavior: A Literature Survey / Arthur J. Boucot, John M. Saul & John B. Southard (2021) Nouvelles parutions hors SPF Early Neolithic Settlement Brunn am Gebirge, Wolfholz,in Lower Austria. Volume 2 / Peter Stadler & Nadezhda Sergeevna Kotova (2021)

Flint Procurement and Exploitation Strategies in the Late Lower Paleolithic Levant / Aviad Agam (2021)


Agam_2021 [Paléolithique et Mésolithique]
Aviad Agam (2021) - Flint Procurement and Exploitation Strategies in the Late Lower Paleolithic Levant, Oxford, Archaeopress, 216 p. EAN 9781789699340 / Epublication ISBN 9781789699357, 41,00 € / 19,00 €.

Flint Procurement and Exploitation Strategies in the Late Lower Paleolithic Levant examines twelve lithic assemblages from Qesem Cave. Potential flint sources were located, petrographic thin sections of archaeological and geologic samples were studied, and a geochemical analysis was performed. The results show that flint from local Turonian sources was often brought to the cave, forming most of the identified flint. Flint from non-Turonian geologic origins was also used in noteworthy proportions, in specific typotechnological categories. The availability of desired flints around the cave, highly suitable for the production of the commonly-used blades, as well as for the production of other tools, probably played a role in the decision to settle there. The notable proportions of non-Turonian flint types, a pattern that repeats itself through time, demonstrate consistency in accessing sources containing non-local flint, implying the existence of knowledge transmission mechanisms concerning the distribution of sources and the suitability of specific flint types for the production of specific blanks/tools. .

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