Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers
8-11 septembre 2021
Session 450 - 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Widening Horizons
Wetland environments play an outsized role in a wide range of ecosystem services from carbon sequestration to nature-based solutions for flood mitigation to human health. With the United Nations General Assembly having proclaimed 2021–2030 as the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and the timeliness of COP2021 (Glasgow), there is pressure on all countries to step up restoration efforts and showcase achievements. While this development is positive, expansive wetland restoration brings policymakers into conflict on several constraints, not least the historic environment of wetlands which play a key role in their archaeological and palaeoecological importance due to exceptional preservation afforded by waterlogged and anoxic conditions. Cohesive international knowledge exchange and guidance is needed to establish a dataset to combat these risks, but also to bring the weight of archaeological and palaeoecological data to bear on contextualising and informing wetland restoration efforts. [...]
Session Organisers:
Main organiser:
Tom Gardner (United Kingdom)
Mairi Davies (United Kingdom)
Benjamin Gearey (Ireland)
Rosie Everett (Ireland)
Michael Stratigos (United Kingdom)
Call for oral and poster contributions is now open - deadline for submitting an abstract is 11 February 2021
Via @arch_sedaDNA