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[Protohistoire] Francesca Balossi Restelli, with contributions by, C. Alvaro, László Bartosiewicz, S. Cereda, Y.S. Erdal, P. Fragnoli, Marcella Frangipane, Giovanna Liberotti, Alessia Masi & Cristiano Vignola (2019) - Arslantepe II - period VII. The development of a ceremonial/political centre in the first half of the fourth millennium bce (Late Chalcolithic 3-4), Roma, Arbor Sapientiae Editore, 713 p. EAN 9788831341110, 120,00 €. 1. Period VII at Arslantepe 2. Absolute chronology of period VII 3. Architectural attributes of public and domestic buildings in period VII 4. Assemblage of cretulae from the end of period VII: administered redistribution in ceremonial contexts. Preliminary remarks 5. Late Chalcolithic burials and funerary rituals 6. Late Chalcolithic animal exploitation at Arslantepe 7. Plant remains from Arslantepe Late Chalcolithic 3-4 8. Late Chalcolithic 3-4 pottery - the wares 9. Archaeometric contributions to the investigation of pottery craftswork and earthen construction 10. Late Chalcolithic 3-4 pottery. The shapes 11. Observations on the use of the pottery 12. In situ distribution of portable artefacts and the use of space 13. Complexity of society in Arslantepe VII. The Late Chalcolithic of the Malatya plain and its relations with the developments of 4th millennium Mesopotamia. |