Repeopling La Manche: New Perspectives on Neanderthal Lifeways from La Cotte de St Brelade / Rebecca Scott & Andrew D. Shaw (2021) Nouvelles parutions hors SPF Growing Up in the Ice Age: Fossil and Archaeological Evidence of the Lived Lives of Plio-Pleistocene children / April Nowell (2021)

Making Spaces into Places : The North Aegean, the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic / Nenad N. Tasić, Dushka Urem-Kotsou & Marcel Burić (2020)


Tasic_et_al_2020 [Néolithique]
Nenad N. Tasić, Dushka Urem-Kotsou & Marcel Burić (2020) - Making Spaces into Places : The North Aegean, the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 243 p. EAN 9781407353807, 62,00 €.

During three millennia of the Neolithic in southeastern Europe important changes in the social organisation, everyday practices and beliefs formed a diverse and rich cultural landscape expressed in settlement patterns, architecture and numerous aspects of material culture. A growing body of data uncovered over the last few decades shows striking variety in settlement organisation, from single-layered, short-lived sites to long-lived tell settlements located in different geographical settings. In addition, small sites (e.g. 0.5 ha) and extended settlements also appear in most sub-regions. This volume brings together new data on the Neolithic of southeastern Europe, emphasising the organisation and use of space within the regions of Northern Greece, the Balkan hinterland and north-western Turkey. To this end, individual chapters focus either on the intra-site organisation of recently excavated settlements or provide an up-to-date synthesis on the regional level, combining old and new data.

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