Barrows of the Yorkshire Wolds: Prehistory, Inspiration and Legacy A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire ChemArch: doctoral training to create the next generation of artefact  scientists : An International Doctoral Training Network

LUMIERE (Landscape Use and Mobility in EuRopE) is recruiting PhDs and Post-Docs

Emplois, bourses, prix

février 2021
Vrije Universiteit Brussel



Bridging the gap between cremation and inhumation


This ERC (European Research Council) project aims to shed light on changes in mobility, migration patterns and landscape use of early populations in Europe by bringing together information obtained directly from both cremated and inhumed individuals using state-of-the art bioarchaeology.
The aim is to identify and characterise the movement of people on a local, regional and European scale to explain how and why people moved, as well as how they used their surrounding landscape between the Neolithic to the Early Medieval period, when both cremation and inhumation were practised.

- You want to develop new methods for the isotopic study of unburned and cremated human remains from Europe dating from the Neolithic to the Early Middle Ages?
- You are keen on improving baselines to help contextualise strontium isotope results at a European scale?
- You wish you could better understand isotopic turnover rates in humans?
- You like to develop new statistical models for the interpretation of multi-isotopic data in archaeological contexts?


Then apply for a PhD or a Post-doc.


Plus d'infos


Date limite : 20 novembre 2020



> Tous les emplois


