André Leroi-Gourhan : L'évolution ou la liberté contrainte / Michel Guérin (2019) Nouvelles parutions hors SPF Burials, Migration and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond / Maria Carmela Gatto, David J. Mattingly, Nicholas Ray & Martin J. Sterry (2019)

Slow Tech: The perfect antidote to today's digital world / Peter Ginn (2019)


Ginn_2019 [Études spécifiques]
Peter Ginn (2019) - Slow Tech: The perfect antidote to today's digital world, Beckenham, Haynes , 160 p. EAN 9781785216169, 26,00 €.

Forge • Carve • Weave • Mould • Ignite Highly readable and hugely practical this book is either armchair reading or a valuable guide to getting your hands dirty and creating something useful as you discover the art of slow technology. Featuring topics such as building bread ovens, making clay pots in a bonfire, felling and processing trees, cooking on open fires, blacksmithing, beer making, wattle and daubing, this book is a combination of the dangerous book for boys and a practical manual of experimental archaeology and historical research.

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