Thésaurus et modèles de données en archéologie H/F Actualités Le quatrième fascicule du bulletin 2019 (tome 116) est paru

The Scientific and Social programme of the 2020 Annual Meeting will continue at Virtual Annual Meeting.

Please follow a new website

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Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


26-30 août 2020



Session #185 - 26th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Networking

Form (shape + size) is a key feature of all archaeological artefacts or ecofacts. For few decades, new methods have been developed in order to quantitatively describe shape variations. In geometric morphometric, shapes are defined as points configurations. The exploration and visualization of these configurations allow investigating the relationships between shapes and external factors (e.g. sites, cultural and environmental context, etc.). As a fusion of biology and geometry, GM was formerly dedicated to deal with biological and paleontological issues. Since, GM has been largely applied in other fields such as archaeology and it became a powerful tool to understand, for example, evolutionary path, goods exchange, know-how sharing, artefacts functions etc.
This session aims at gathering papers and/or posters dealing with form, either focusing on methodological aspects/development of morphometric analysis involving points configurations or focusing on archaeological interpretations. We are open to complete or incomplete research and/or research at a basic step facing methodological issues that could be discussed within the session.


Main organiser:
Péter Csippán
Antony Borel


Plus d'infos


Submission deadline : 17 february 2020


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