Cent cinquantenaire de la découverte de Cro-Magnon aux Eyzies Actualités Le village néolithique de Charavines (Isère) et ses importations de silex du Grand-Pressigny, il y a 5000 ans

PlantCult : investigating the food cultures of ancient Europe

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A ERC funded project that aims to explore prehistoric cuisines of Europe, in particular their plant ingredients and their transformation into meals.
The five year project (2016-2021) brings together plant remains, food remains, cooking pots and installations, grinding equipment and cooking processes, from the Aegean to Central Europe, in an attempt to decipher culinary practices and identities from the first farming communities to the first cities that emerged at the end of the Iron Age.

The approach will be enriched by considering together with the archaeological record a wealth of ethnographic observations, experimental replication and ancient texts.


Principal investigator:
Soultana Maria Valamoti


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