Séminaire “Préhistoires et Archéologies des Amériques” A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Les gravures rupestres protohistoriques en Eurasie

Séminaire, conférence


septembre 2021 - juillet 2022
The lectures will last 30 minutes and will take place 1 a month
Universidad de Cantabria




Within the Before-ART project (IP Diego Garate), and during the academic year 2021-2022, we will begin a cycle of free conferences through the TEAMS platform, linked to the comprehensive and interdisciplinary study of prehistoric cavities, especially focused in understanding underground activities in caves with graphic manifestations.


The different presentations will be developed by leading national and international specialists who will present us with methodological, technical and / or interpretative novelties, with the intention of creating collaboration and training networks between different researchers within a specific study context: the study of caves with Prehistoric Art in the XXI century.



Catherine Ferrier, Bertrand Chazaly, Armance Jouteau, Stéphane Petrognani, Eric Robert, Carole Fritz, Paloma de la  Peña, Guilhem Mauran, Tumelo Rufus Molefyane, Andreas Pastoors, Danae Fiore, Lucas Checo & Oscar Moro



Plus d'infos


Registration is mandatory through our email (before_art@unican.es) and free



Via B-Art Project


