Archéologie et fouilles en contexte difficile A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Les séminaires du LAMPEA - Master Archéologie Sciences pour l’Archéologie

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


8-11 septembre 2021

202109_kiel_eaa_27_logoSession 143 - 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Widening Horizons

Wood has been used by many human societies as a basic building material and for everyday life. On archaeological sites, it is found in various forms: waterlogged, dry or carbonised, and in various dimensions: from small particles to large-sized constructions. Numerous disciplines related to archaeology are dependent on investigations of wood remains. Dendrochronologists, anthracologists, wood anatomists, historians, engineers and representatives of other disciplines provide information on ancient silvicultural and wood-technological practices, and make it possible to reconstruct past landscapes shaped by various forms of human activity.

Because of their quantity, variety and good preservation, waterlogged wood remains are the most suitable material for this type of study. But what about dry and carbonised wood? How can studies not only at the single site scale, but more complex and over a large area contribute to our knowledge about past societies and their use of wood?

We invite all researchers who study wood to present and compare their analyses from all periods. We want to identify the extent to which dendrology and dendrochronology can play a part in the investigation of past human-environment interactions and then extend our current knowledge in an interdisciplinary framework.

Session Organisers:
Lisa Shindo (
Tomasz Wazny (


Plus d'infos


Call for oral and poster contributions is now open - deadline for submitting an abstract is 11 February 2021





