Bronze Age Forum 2020 A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Mas Aguilhon : un site gravettien de plein air : deuxième campagne de fouilles

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A new initiative by the Prehistoric Society, the only UK society dedicated to researching, protecting and promoting the global archaeology of deep human history.

"The purpose of the Society is to investigate the fundamental questions of humanity; who we are, where we came from and how we evolved.
These webpages are the best way to start exploring these questions.
You will find many topics about our prehistoric past, written by experts and available to all, but especially for those teaching and being taught at National Curriculum Key-Stage 2.
Prehistory is where deep human history starts."


These learning resources have been created by members of the Society and are free to use in your classroom.

Each Lesson Plan includes:
-    Broad Lesson Plan
-    PowerPoint
-    Background Information for Teachers

The sites are arranged in chronological order (earliest first)


-    Lesson 1: Lascaux
-    Lesson 2: Star Carr
-    Lesson 3: Skara Brae
-    Lesson 4: Long Barrows
-    Lesson 5: Grimes Graves
-    Lesson 6: Stonehenge
Bronze Age
-    Lesson 7: Round Barrows
Iron Age
-    Lesson 8: Roundhouses
-    Lesson 9: Brochs
-    Lesson 10: Hillforts
-    Lesson 11: Chariots



Plus d'infos




