École thématique du CNRS ARCHEOMETS « Archéologie de l’Alimentation humaine : vers une approche interdisciplinaire intégrée » A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire VII Congreso Internacional sobre el Neolítico en la Península Ibérica

Current approaches to farming and food practices during Late Prehistory = Aproximacions actuals a les pràctiques agroalimentàries durant la prehistòria recent

Congrès, colloques, réunions



4-5 octobre 2019




Session: Farming practices = Pràctiques agràries i ramaderes
•    Functional Interpretation of Weed Floras in relation to Husbandry Practices: cultivation intensity, fallow, crop rotation regimes
•    Disentangling the use of stable isotope of archaeobotanical and archaeozoological remains into past environmental and agricultural reconstructions
•    Livestock mobility in Western Europe in Late Prehistory and Roman times: methodological challenges and preliminary results
•    Herding practices during Late Prehistory: review and prospects of methodological approaches to estimating ages of mortality, the season of births and slaughtering
•    Contribution of the Bioarcheology of the coprogen deposits to the knowledge of ancient pastoralism: the caves-sheepfolds in the South of France


Session: Foodways =  Pràctiques alimentàries
•    Management of food resources: integration of archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data
•    Neither fruit nor seeds: USOs, the other vegetable foods forgotten by Archaeobotany
•    From waste to taste: estimating the caloric contribution of plant and animal resources to human diet in well-preserved waterlogged sites
•    Human and animal diet during the Late Prehistory through stable isotope analysis
•    Dental Microwear as a Dietary Proxy: Methods and Archaeological and Anthropological Application


Poster session = Sessió de Pòsters


Session: Cooking practices = Pràctiques culinàries
•    Fifty shapes of Grain: New insights on archaeological cereal products from central Europe
•    Foodways and cooking practices during later Prehistory: an integrated biochemical and archaeozoological approach
•    Pottery and culinary practices during the Late Prehistory
•    Production, preparation and consumption of food: the analysis of waste in archaeological materials
•    Evolutions of pots and tableware at the Iron Age in Mediterranean Gaul: how to interpret them?
•    Cooking ovens in the Protohistoric settlements of NE Iberian Peninsula: towards a socio-economic approach
•    Foodways and the construction of group identities in Mediterranean contact zones (9th-5th BC): debates and perspectives



Programme détaillé ci-dessous



